
A Call for A Reporter’s March on the White House for World Press Freedom Day on May 3rd

In our industry, we are encouraged not to take long lunches nor show up to rallies, but on May 3rd, let’s do both. Let’s give the cameras a sight for the ages: hundreds of journalists marching on the White House arm in arm for the cause of press freedom.

Let’s call on journalists from around the world to take to the streets to show Trump that we will not be divided. Let’s call on our readers and our allies in organized labor to march with us and show us that the public has media worker’s backs in covering Trump accurately.

Help Payday Afford Health Insurance – We Can’t Right Now

After only six months of organizing, we already have 114 monthly dues-paying readers contributing an average of $8.15 per month for a total $926 per month. At our current rate of growth, our one-and-a-half person operation will be fully sustainable within 12 months without any grant money. Having $5,000 will allow us to get through to the summer and apply for major grants.