Articles by Mike Elk

A Call for A Reporter’s March on the White House for World Press Freedom Day on May 3rd

In our industry, we are encouraged not to take long lunches nor show up to rallies, but on May 3rd, let’s do both. Let’s give the cameras a sight for the ages: hundreds of journalists marching on the White House arm in arm for the cause of press freedom.

Let’s call on journalists from around the world to take to the streets to show Trump that we will not be divided. Let’s call on our readers and our allies in organized labor to march with us and show us that the public has media worker’s backs in covering Trump accurately.

Spike in Latino Workplace Deaths Has Many Worried About Trump Era

“Whenever there is an increase in the criminalization of undocumented workers, it puts more pressure on workers to stay in the job that they are in, to not complain, to look the other way when there are hazards,” Robele says. “If you are choosing between saying that you are not going to go up on a rough in harness and potentially being deported and separated from your children most people aren’t gonna risk that.”

Help Payday Afford Health Insurance – We Can’t Right Now

After only six months of organizing, we already have 114 monthly dues-paying readers contributing an average of $8.15 per month for a total $926 per month. At our current rate of growth, our one-and-a-half person operation will be fully sustainable within 12 months without any grant money. Having $5,000 will allow us to get through to the summer and apply for major grants.

3,000 S.C. Boeing Workers to Vote on Union – NC Public Workers Win BIG – Bipartisan Backlash Against Tenn. Outsourcing #OrganizeTheSouth

The Machinists’ latest move coincides with the United Auto Workers’ campaign to organize BMW’s plant in Spartanburg, South Carolina. (Volvo is also opening a 2,000 person plant in Berkeley County in 2018, which the UAW is almost certain to go after, as the Swedish automaker enjoys good relationships with unions.) The Machinists’ election could also open the door for more organizing at Boeing’s suppliers.

Payday on NPR Talking Kentucky “Right-to-Work” & Trump’s NLRB

This weekend, Payday Senior Labor Reporter was on NPR affailate WFPL in Louisville talking about how unions in the South are continuing to grow despite “right-to-work” legislation; gaining 150,000 union members last year alone.

However, Elk warns that if Trump dismantles the National Labor Relations Board that it will stop this organizing progress.

BREAKING: Kentucky Expected to Pass “Right-to-Work” This Week

Last year, Republicans regained control of the Kentucky State House for the first time in 95 years. As a result of the Trump wave, Republicans now maintain a 54 to 36 majority in the State House. Under proposed “right-to-work” legislation, unions in Kentucky could lose tens of thousands of dues-paying members; thus denying Democrats the financial support needed to take back the State House.

Federal Class Action Charges Chattanooga Outsourcing Plan Led to School Bus Deaths

“The school bus operation has been outsourced to balance the books of the school district” charges the lawsuit filed in federal court in Chattanooga today. “To maximize profit, the contractor overcrowded routes and offered school bus drivers low pay, few hours, and inadequate driver training and support. To avoid a self-created driver shortage, as they had experienced in other markets, the contractor sought out the most poorly trained, inexperienced, and poorly-qualified drivers to transport the most precious commodity of this community”