Greetings from the Burgh, where Payday’s planning to see Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre perform outdoors at Flagstaff Hill. If you’re in the Burgh, come by and check out – it’s free and goes through the weekend.
$365 Raised to Celebrate Payday’s 5th Anniversary
So far, Payday is a
Help Us Reach Our Goal
$548 / $1,000
Recurring Donation
$3.00 monthly
$5.00 monthly
$15.00 monthly
$35.00 monthly
$100.00 monthly
$36.00 yearly
$60.00 yearly
$180.00 yearly
$420.00 yearly
$1,200.00 yearly
One Time Donation
This month marks Payday’s 5th
Greetings from the Burgh, where the weather is gorgeous, but unfortunately I can’t go biking as my bike was stolen.
Donate to Replace Melk’s Stolen Bike
Last night, my bike (my primary means of transportation and exercise) was stolen. It could not have come at a worse time
PITTSBURGH, PA. “You wanna dance?,” Rita Garmany asked me as the dance party in SEIU Healthcare PA’s parking lot raged following the announcement of Ed Gainey’s victory Tuesday.
Garmany, a 62-year-old Black activist, was one of the hundreds of activists who streamed through the SEIU parking lot dancing
PITTSBURGH,PA – Tonight, Black PA State Representative Ed Gainey defeated two-term Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto to become the first Black mayor of Pittsburgh.
Despite being out-fundraised nearly 4-to-1, which Peduto pumped into negative attack ads, Gainey, 51, was able to defeat Peduto, who coceded the election.
Gainey was able to