
Help us Cover Ohio Teachers' Strikes

Recurring Donation $3.00 monthly $5.00 monthly $15.00 monthly $35.00 monthly $100.00 monthly $36.00 yearly $60.00 yearly $180.00 yearly $420.00 yearly $1,200.00 yearly One Time Donation Over 4,500 teachers went on strike in Columbus, Ohio on Monday . These strikes

Tax Breaks Leading to Teachers' Strikes in Ohio - Railroaders Blast Biden's Proposed Settlement - Alabama GE Workers Move to Unionize

Folks,  Greetings from the Burgh, where we are closely monitoring a series of high-profile teachers’ strikes across Ohio, including in Columbus, over devastating property tax cuts.  Check out our publishing partner John Russell of the Holler’s video, which has already garnered over 6,000 likes  Donate to Help Us
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