
Help a Freelance Labor Reporter Take the Holidays Off

Help Us Reach Our  Goal

$830 / $1,000


Part of the reason why the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” resonates with us all so much is that the movie ultimately ends with a successful community-wide crowdfunding effort to help Jimmy Stewart beat old Mr. Potter.

So, in the spirit of “It’s a Wonderful Life”, Payday is launching a holiday-themed crowd funding effort to help us beat the forces of precarious employment that deny freelancers like me paid vacations.

As many of you know despite the fact that freelance labor reporters cover some of the worst economic injustices of society, we have no paid vacation days off for ourselves.

While most people greet the holidays with the cheer of getting to take some time off, however for freelancers like myself, the holidays are meet with dread. There is no paid vacation time for freelancers. Worse, many editors often use extra paid vacation time around the holidays meaning that there are rarely assignment given in the period right before and right after holidays.

For freelancers, the holidays for us are a period of dread. So this year, I am trying to raise $1000 so I can take a few days off the week and not worry about money, just enjoy the holidays.

After an exhausting year of reporting, it would be great to take a week off like everyone else and enjoy my family and friends.

So please if you can, donate today.

Help Us Reach Our  Goal

$540 / $1,000

Donate Here!

Author image
Mike Elk is an Emmy-nominated labor reporter. He founded Payday Report using his NLRB settlement from being illegally fired in the union drive at Politico in 2015. Email him at
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