
20,000 Teachers in Puerto Rico Strike - “Day Without Immigrants” Protests Could Fuel More Strikes - Kentucky American Water Workers to Strike 


Greetings from Burgh, where the first Starbucks in Pittsburgh’s Bloomfield neighborhood moved to unionize. 

20,000 Teachers in Puerto Rico Strike 

In Puerto Rico, 20,000 teachers (nearly three-quarters of the island’s teaching workforce) went on strike yesterday to demand higher wages, better pensions, and better working conditions. 

The minimum wage for teachers in Puerto Rico is $1,750 a month, which has left many teachers working second and third jobs. 

More from Latino Rebels: 

I do tutoring in the afternoon and I also give classes at night at the university,” said Juan Ruiz Goyco, a teacher from Arecibo. “I have a Ph.D. and I barely even make it to $2,000 with the Department of Education. I have to look for other jobs to survive. It’s just not enough.”

Pablo Mas Oquendo was another teacher who had to get a second job as a tutor and a third job as a security guard to survive. While driving back from his guard shift in the early morning of February 1, he fell asleep at the wheel and hit a truck, dying instantly.

For many striking teachers, his death has become a symbol for everything they’re fighting for.

For more, check out Latino Rebels. 

“Day Without Immigrants” Protests Could Fuel More Strikes
On Monday, thousands of immigrants across the U.S. are expected to take off work and skip school to push Congress into passing immigrants’ rights legislation. 

Over 80,000 people have signed up online to take part in the action organized by online activist Carlos Eduardo Espina, who has 2.5 million followers on TikTok. 

“We’re not going to go to school. We’re not going to spend it. Instead, we will take to the streets peacefully to raise our voices,” Espina said in one of his many TikTok posts promoting “A Day Without Immigrants” protests. 

For more, check out an interview with Espina in the Los Angeles Times. 

Kentucky American Water Workers to Strike 

In Lexington, Kentucky, 68 Kentucky American Water workers are going on strike. 

The workers say that the company is refusing to give a 3% raise each year of the contract and is trying to weaken union security. 

“Our members, the workers that provide safe drinking water to the Lexington, Fayette County area, are asking the company to bargain in good faith,” said Robert Smith, NCFO secretary-treasurer. “To address the workforce’s concerns and meet the needs of the workers that have faithfully provided non-stop service through the pandemic and some of the most trying times in the past years.”

For more, check out the Lexington Herald-Leader. 

Strikes & News Happening Elsewhere 

Alright folks, that’s all for today. Donate today to help me cover COVID costs as I get back on my feet from a two-month bout with Long COVID. Or, please, if you can, sign up as one of our 667 recurring donors today. Thank you to everyone who has donated already.

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Love & Solidarity, 


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Mike Elk is an Emmy-nominated labor reporter. He founded Payday Report using his NLRB settlement from being illegally fired in the union drive at Politico in 2015. Email him at
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