
UAW to Strike More Locations on Friday - Trump to Visit Striking UAW Members - Canadian Ford Workers Poised to Strike


Greetings from the Burgh, where I have spent the day at the UE Convention. 

UAW Will Escalate Strike on Friday 

Today, UAW President Shawn Fain announced that more UAW locals will join the strike if progress isn’t made at the bargaining table by this Friday at noon. 

“If we don’t make serious progress by noon on Friday, September 22nd, more locals will be called on to Stand Up and join the strike,” said Fain in a statement. “That will mark more than a week since our first members walked out. And that will mark more than a week of the Big Three failing to make progress in negotiations toward reaching a deal that does right by our members.”

For more, check out the Detroit News. 

Canadian Ford Workers May Walkout

Over the weekend, the UAW reported “productive” conversations with Ford. 

Now, autoworkers in Canada, members of Unifor, have extended their strike deadline against Ford. Members of Unifor say that they are in close contact with the UAW and will continue negotiating with Ford in Canada. 

“Unifor is extending negotiations with Ford Motor Company for a 24-hour period,” the union said in a statement Tuesday. “The union received a substantive offer from the employer minutes before the deadline.”

For more, check out CNN.

Trump to Rally with Striking Autoworkers

Finally, Donald Trump is expected to rally with striking autoworkers this weekend in Detroit. From the New York Times: 

So instead of attending the next G.O.P. debate — on Sept. 27 in California at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum — Mr. Trump intends to speak to over 500 workers, with his campaign planning to fill the room with plumbers, pipe-fitters, electricians, as well as autoworkers, according to one of the Trump advisers familiar with the planning. Mr. Trump has not directly addressed the wage demands of striking workers and has attacked the union leadership, but he has tried to more broadly cast himself on the side of autoworkers.

For more, check out the New York Times. 

Alright folks, that’s all for today. Keep sending tips, story ideas, comments and complaints to 

Donate to help us keep covering the UAW Strike. Please, if you can, sign up as one of our 756 recurring donors today. 

Love & Solidarity, 


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Mike Elk is an Emmy-nominated labor reporter. He founded Payday Report using his NLRB settlement from being illegally fired in the union drive at Politico in 2015. Email him at
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