
Top NewsGuild Official in CWA Defeated - Cummings Leads Second Round

Top NewsGuild official in CWA Sara Steffens, defeated amid scandals involving the cover-up of sexual misconduct & violent intimidation in CWA, which was credited with sinking her campaign.

Cummings currently leads Mooney by a margin of 139,818 to 121,857. (Election results can be viewed here). It remains unclear where 44,014 votes for Steffens will go in the second round that is currently underway. 

Steffens, the top NewsGuild official in the CWA, strongly secured the support of NewsGuild CWA Sector President Jon Schleuss, who is gay and represents a block of approximately 25,000 progressive-minded voters.

The Emergency Mutual Respect Committee found that Mooney repeatedly made homophobic comments about gay union staffers, angering the openly gay Schleuss, who is expected to swing his votes for Cummings. (Read a copy of the full Emergency Mutual Respect Committee report about Mooney here)

Cummings has a reputation as a progressive within the union who has gained popularity with his low-key, inclusive style. He started in the union in 1973 and has a reputation as the head of the Human Rights Department of CWA for pushing the union in a more inclusive, multiracial direction. (His full biography can be viewed here)

We will update as we learn more.

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Mike Elk is an Emmy-nominated labor reporter. He founded Payday Report using his NLRB settlement from being illegally fired in the union drive at Politico in 2015. Email him at
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