
Payday Report Seeking Fundraising Director

Last year, Payday Report raised $104,000 through grants and crowdfunding. Because of this, we were able to support a two-and-a-half-person staff while making a significant impact on journalism. Adding a part-time fundraising director to the organization will help us take things to the next level.

Payday Report’s Strike Tracker has tracked more than 2,000 strikes since March 2020. We have been cited on the front page of The Washington Post, featured on NPR’s All Things Considered Labor Day broadcast, and profiled on American Portrait on PBS. 

Esquire described our work as “invaluable,” The New York Times called us a publication with “new energy,” and last year our work on CNN’s United Shades of America was nominated for an Emmy

Payday is seeking someone to fill a part-time position; working only a few hours a week, but potentially expanding. The new Fundraising Director will help us to professionalize our fundraising operation and seek larger grants. We encourage all types of people to apply. Send an intro letter and some examples of past work to

Donate to Help Us Professionalzie Our Fundraising Operation

Author image
Mike Elk is an Emmy-nominated labor reporter. He founded Payday Report using his NLRB settlement from being illegally fired in the union drive at Politico in 2015. Email him at
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