This week, Payday Celebrates its 1,000th article published since we first opened our door in April of 2016 when we were founded in Chattanooga. Slowly, we have built a small labor publication that has won widespread acclaim.
Our work as the first outlet to systematically track the strike wave during the pandemic has been widely recognized by everyone from the Washington Post to NPR’s “All Things Considered” to filmmaker Boots Riley. In 2021,we were even nominated for an Emmy.
As a small crowdfunded publication, we’ve had a huge impact and I just wanna throw a big party to thank everyone.
On Friday April 21st at 5 pm, we are gonna have a happy hour at the Warehouse, a really cool Black-owned sports bar in Squirrel Hill. There’s gonna be a DJ and it should be a pretty sweet party. RSVP here on facebook.
Can’t make it? You can donate here.
Donate to help us continue to publish and stay on the front lines of fights for workers’ rights