
Help Cover Rank & File in Battleground States

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$3.00 monthly $5.00 monthly $15.00 monthly $35.00 monthly $100.00 monthly

$36.00 yearly $60.00 yearly $180.00 yearly $420.00 yearly $1,200.00 yearly

One Time Donation


We didn’t attend the DNC tonight because it cost $751 for credentials as a reporter to attend. Rather than spend nearly $2,000, including travel and host costs, I decided to stay home to watch it on TV and work sources.

Instead of going to the big conventions and fancy events already packed with reporters, we plan to cover the rank-and-file fighting it out in the battleground states. We intend to focus primarily in the battleground states of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Yinz, all know that Payday can make a big impact. Recently, we worked with This American Life. We have been cited on the front page of The Washington Post, featured on NPR’s All Things Considered Labor Day broadcast, and profiled on American Portrait on PBS.

Esquire described our work as “invaluable,” The New York Times called us a publication with “new energy,” and last year our work on CNN’s United Shades of America was nominated for an Emmy.

The stories that we develop at Payday have a big impact and get picked up by much larger publications.

If you want us to visit you or can donate frequent flier miles, let us know

Donate to help us cover these battleground states this election. Please, sign up as one of our 773 recurring donors today.

(All donations are matched by the Illumine Service Foundation)

Love & Solidarity,


Recurring Donation

$3.00 monthly $5.00 monthly $15.00 monthly $35.00 monthly $100.00 monthly

$36.00 yearly $60.00 yearly $180.00 yearly $420.00 yearly $1,200.00 yearly

One Time Donation

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