
Will Kamala Walk Boeing Picket Lines? - UAW Lose Another Drive at German Employer - SAG-AFTRA Members Criticize Leadership on Zionism


Greetings from the Burgh, where we are still searching for a part-time Greider Fellow for Labor Reporting. 

Payday Changing Email Providers 

Good news, our switch to the new Ghost platform is complete and the site looks way slicker. (Check it out here)

Now, we are switching to a new email system, which will be way better looking and easier for folks to use. 

Donate to help us pay for the costs of the transition to the new website. 

Will Kamala Walk Boeing Picket Line?

Despite Machinists union leaders initially recommending that workers initially vote for a union contract, Boeing union leaders are publicly telling the media that they expect their 30,000 members to vote to reject the contract today. 

If they reject the contract, the strike would start immediately upon the rank and file members of the union voting to reject the contract. 

With Boeing making record profits, union leaders say that workers want to see the return of a defined pension plan and many are demanding that they receive a 40% raise over the life of the contract. The current proposed contract only includes a 25% raise over the life of the contract. 

"I'm ready to go on strike for as long as necessary to get everything that we deserve," 36-year-old quality inspector Josh King told Reuters. "Normally, a strike doesn't bring a worse offer, it always brings a better offer."

A strike at Boeing could win mass sympathy. In recent years, the company has faced negative publicity for several crashes. Investigations by multiple news outlets have shown that Boeing has retaliated against whistleblowers. 

Given that Biden walked the picket line with striking UAW workers, it will be interesting to see if Kamala Harris walks the picket line against Boeing, a major defense contractor. 

For more on the culture of retaliation at Boeing, check out this great deep dive by Moe Tkacik at The American Prospect

UAW Loses Another Union Drive at a German Employer

The UAW has once again lost a major union drive at a German employer. This time losing a vote at Ford Bronco supplier Webasto in Michigan by a margin of 251-260. 

The vote is the second time the UAW has lost a major vote at a German employer after filing for unionization with a majority of union members. 

Now, the UAW says they will appeal to German legal authorities to take action against a German employer engaged in union busting that is illegal under German law. 

“This company needs to be held accountable,” Webasto worker Pelle Burnett said in a statement. “Webasto has shown that they will go to any length to stop us from winning the right to bargain collectively together. Even though we haven’t won our union yet, we’re still ready to Stand Up to make this unacceptable behavior stop.”

For more, check out Bob Funk’s piece at LaborLab entitled “Exposed: Webasto Hid $500,000 in Union-Busting Spending and Their “Consultants” Continue to Break the Law.”

700 Members of SAG-AFTRA Call on Leaders to Protect Pro-Palestine Members From Being Blacklisted 

Finally, over 700 members of SAG-AFTRA are calling on SAG-AFTRA to protect members, who speak out against genocide in Gaza. The members are also calling on the union to support a ceasefire in Gaza 

Hollywood has long been known as having a culture dominated by major donors to anti-Palestinian causes. Many UAW members fear that the Hollywood powerhouse is hesitant to protect members, who speak against the genocide in Gaza. From The Hollywood Reporter

“Actor and SAG-AFTRA national MENA committee chair Amin El Gamal has been “ignored for months” by leadership and received calls “in hushed tones” from union staff, who promised meetings but never followed up, he claimed in a statement shared with The Hollywood Reporter.
“I saw this blatant double standard,” he added. “How can you mourn the loss of some kinds of people and not others — especially when you have such a diverse membership? You don’t get to cosplay equity and inclusion and then leave your most vulnerable members on read.”

For more, check out The Hollywood Reporter

News & Headlines Elsewhere 

Alright yinz, that’s all for today. Keep sending story ideas, tips, comments and complaints to 

Donate to help us do the coverage in Western PA & the broader labor movement that no one else is doing. If you can, please sign up as one of our 774 recurring donors. Thanks again for all your support. 

Love & Solidarity, 


Author image
Mike Elk is an Emmy-nominated labor reporter. He founded Payday Report using his NLRB settlement from being illegally fired in the union drive at Politico in 2015. Email him at
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