
UAW Calls for Palestinians to Speak at DNC Tonite – Chicago Firefighters Picket DNC – Walz’s Amazing OSHA Record in Minnesota


Greetings from the Burgh, where we are closely tracking how the labor movement is forcing a shutdown allowing a Palestinian at the DNC.

UAW Calls for Allowing Palestinians to Speak at DNC Tonite

Late last night, the DNC announced that they would not allow a Palestinian to speak at the Democratic National Committee; a big blow to the Uncommitted movement that had been pushing for one at the DNC.

Now, some unions like the UAW are calling for a Palestinian speaker to be allow to speak on the last night of the DNC.

“If we want the war in Gaza to end, we can’t put our heads in the sand or ignore the voices of the Palestinian Americans in the Democratic Party,” tweeted the UAW this morning. “If we want peace, if we want real democracy, and if we want to win this election, the Democratic Party must allow a Palestinian American speaker to be heard from the DNC stage tonight”.

Chicago Firefighter Picket DNC

While many public sector workers inside of the DNC celebrated the nomination of Tim Walz last night, outside Chicago firefighters pickets. Chicago’s firefighters union has been without a contract for three years.

“We’re just asking for basic needs, basic necessities,” Firefighters Union Local 2 President Pat Clfeary told WGN. “More manpower to do our jobs. If you’re having seven firefighters die in a two-year period, something’s wrong.

For more, check out WGN.

Elite Parties Across Town

While many celebrated the community vibes of the DNC, far more elite parties funded by corporations were happening in other parts of the town. Luke Goldstein at The American Prospect crashed some of the parties:

“Once I reached the official registration check, the mistake I made was to flash my newly acquired press pass for the convention, which I thought would make me look official. That apparently was worse than not having registration at all, because general press weren’t being allowed in. While I tried stalling for time, explaining my situation, I peeked beyond the checkpoint at the main concert hall of the House of Blues, which was teeming with people. Both sides of the bar were packed and the main concert floor was starting to fill up. Networking had begun; business cards exchanged, connections forged.

I ultimately was turned away, unable to participate. Nor would I the next night at the closed-off United Airlines party featuring special guest and board member Walter Isaacson, the renowned biographer who still maintains his honorific title of journalist when he appears on cable news shows, despite his corporate board position.

Other events are much easier to edge your way into. Instead of the United Airlines party, I made my way over to a soiree hosted by a number of unions at the Art Institute of Chicago; lots of DNC and local city officials were present, as well as the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Rohit Chopra.

Even happy hours hosted by progressive lawmakers were temporarily closed off to the press while members delivered remarks.”

For more, check out the American Prospect.

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Walz Made Minnesota 5th Least Worker Deaths in US

Former Obama-era OSHA Director Dr. David Michael and Deputy Director Jordan Barab have a look at how Walz passed OSHA state plan reforms that made Minnesota the state with the 5th fewest workplace deaths in the country. From The American Prospect:

“Walz and the Minnesota state legislature have an outstanding labor record in general, instituting paid family and medical leave, banning noncompete clauses, prohibiting anti-union “captive audience” meetings, and creating a statewide council to improve conditions for nursing home workers.

Minnesota under Gov. Walz also runs one of the most effective OSHA state plan programs. And they’re saving lives. The state ranks fifth-lowest in the rate of workplace fatalities, significantly lower than the federal workplace fatality rate.

In 2023, with a narrow Democratic majority and working closely with the Minnesota AFL-CIO, the state legislature passed several innovative laws that greatly strengthen the safety and health protections provided to Minnesota workers employed in high-hazard jobs.”

For a few list of initiatives and breakthroughs, check out the American Prospect.

Alright yinz, we will have more later today. Keep sending tips, story ideas, comments, and complaints to

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Love & Solidarity,


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