
Payday Reader Assistance & Feedback Survey


Payday is asking our readers to give us feedback on what you might like to see improve. We are also asking our readers how you might be able to assist in growing the publication as workers and immigrants will face attacks during the second Trump Era. 

Fill out the survey here

Payday Report has a great opportunity to expand as the Illumine Service Foundation has pledged to increase their donations to Payday if we can increase donations this year. To do this, we need your help as readers. 

Please, take a moment to fill our Payday Reader Feedback & Assistance Survey

Payday is forming a Reader Assistance and Advisory Committee to help us achieve this. We are looking for volunteers for this committee and asking our readers to complete the survey to let us know how you would like to get more involved. We also want to know your views on what we can change at Payday Report.

Payday needs help expanding our donor base and reaching out to foundations, unions, and potential sponsors, who may be able to provide funding. Helping promote us on social media, email, and at public events is also needed. Finally, we are searching for readers with technical skills in web design, legal help, accounting, and grant writing who may be willing to help.  

Fill out the survey today.

If any readers have any ideas on potential sponsors for Payday, please leave a comment at the end of the survey 

During the first Trump Administration, Payday was credited by the Washington Post as being the first news organization to systematically track the strike wave during the pandemic. Our coverage of the strike wave helped embolden activists to push back. 

Now, unions have record popularity with Gallup showing union approval ratings at 70%. Unions can play a big role in defending immigrants and workers. 

Payday can play a key role in helping to educate the movement and build momentum for fighting back. Now, we need help from our readers to help us grow so we can fight back. 

Fill out our survey today. 

Please, donate to help us fight back against the Trump Administration. 

Love & Solidarity, 


Author image
Mike Elk is an Emmy-nominated labor reporter. He founded Payday Report using his NLRB settlement from being illegally fired in the union drive at Politico in 2015. Email him at
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