For My 38th B-Day, Donate $38 to cover 27,000 Virginia Teachers Voting on Union

27,000 educational employees are voting on whether to unionize in Fairfax County, Virginia

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It’s my 38th birthday, and I am asking folks to donate $38 bucks to help us cover 27,000 teachers and educational employees who are voting to unionize in Virginia next week.

After the recent victory of 4,300 Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga in April (see Payday’s coverage on the ground here), a victory for teachers seeking to unionize 29,000 teachers in Fairfax County could inspire more organizing throughout the South.

In 2020, Virginia voted to give collective bargaining rights to municipal employees. If the union wins next week, it will likely inspire a wave of public sector organizing in Virginia’s DC suburbs and throughout the state.

Workers across the country are inspired like never before after those big wins down South and there are likely to be more this summer. 

Payday wants to be out there covering this story. It’s important that workers see what’s happening so that workers continue to be inspired. 

We want to build up a travel fund so big that we can go anywhere at any time to cover what’s happening. We are hoping to raise $20,000 this summer to build a permanent travel reserve fund. 

Payday Report has always been ahead of the curve and we think that we are gonna see a “Hot Shop Union Summer” like none other this year. 

The Washington Post credited Payday’s Strike Tracker as being the first to systematically track the strike wave from its beginning in March of 2022. The New York Times described us as a labor publication with “new energy” and our work with CNN was even nominated for an Emmy. 

(Be sure to check out our interview with a formerly anti-union worker that got a combined 500,000 views on YouTube and Twitter) 

We may be a small labor publication based in Pittsburgh, but we have had a big impact on the national conversation. 

By raising $20,000 this summer, we will be able to build a solid travel fund that allows us to cover the uprisings happening across the country. 

For years, we have relied on crowdfunding, but now we are starting to receive grant money. We are now building a Reader Coop Advisory Board to help us attract new streams of revenue and support for the publication. 

However, our ability to attract grant money is heavily based on our ability to crowdfund. The more financially sustainable that we can demonstrate that we are, the more likely larger foundations will invest. 

So, we are going to push to raise $20,000 this summer to build up a reserve fund to cover the big union organizing outbreak starting this summer. 

Donate to Help Us Cover “Hot Shop, Union Summer”.

Recurring Donation

One Time Donation

About the Author

Mike Elk
Mike Elk is an Emmy-nominated labor reporter and alumni of the Guardian. In addition to filing nearly 2,000 stories from 46 states, Elk traveled with Lula from Sáo Bernando do Campos all the way to the Oval Office in the White House. Credited by the Washington Post for being the first reporter to track the strike wave systematically, Elk started Payday Report using his NLRB settlement from being illegally fired for union organizing in 2015. He lives in his hometown of Pittsburgh and works frequently in Rio de Janeiro, where he attended college at PUC-Rio. He speaks both Portuguese and Pittsburghese fluently. His email is [email protected]