
Chicago PBS Cuts Off Healthcare to Striking Workers - Judge Says Concrete Company Intentionally Drove Into Strikers - 300 California Nurses Strike ?


Greetings from the Burgh, where we are gearing up for our end-of-the-month fundraising push. Donate today to help us cover salaries, rent, health insurance, and so much more. 

We’re only 25 donors away from reaching our milestone of 700 recurring donors! If you can, sign up as a recurring donor today. 

Chicago PBS Station Cuts Off Healthcare to Striking Workers

In Chicago, workers at the local PBS Station WTTW have been on strike for nearly two weeks. Now, the local PBS Station is playing hardball and cutting off healthcare to striking workers. 

“This company would rather jeopardize the health and well-being of two dozen employees with families than sit down and meet with the union to discuss solutions,” IBEW Local 1220 business manager John Rizzo told Chicago Sun-Times. “It’s a bullying tactic we’ve seen from this company in the past couple of years, but this has been taken to a new low.”

For more, check out the Chicago Sun-Times.

300 Nurses Strike at AMCH Seton Medical Center 

In Daly City, California, over 300 nurses are on a one-day strike today at AMCH Seton Medical Center demanding safer staffing levels. 

“Because we have no ancillary staff, when I am caring for Covid patients I not only have to address their medical needs but I also need to empty the garbage, clean up the rooms, deliver the food, assist my patients to the restroom, and answer calls from their family and friends,” said nurse Michelle Kubota in a statement put out by the union. “Families don’t understand why they may not hear back from me for hours after they call. It is extremely frustrating and distressing for them, and I feel horrible because I understand their distress.” 

For more, check out the NNU’s website. 

Judge: Seattle concrete company intentionally drove into Striking Workers

As the concrete workers’ strike in Seattle enters its fourth month, Teamsters Local has accused several companies’ drivers of intentionally driving into a picket line. 

Now, a Seattle judge has ruled that on one occasion, a driver intentionally ran into workers on a picket line, and on another occasion, a driver caused physical injury by hitting strikers. 

“It is reassuring to have the court affirm our legal right to peacefully picket, but the violence we have seen against our members is unfounded, egregious and frankly disgusting,” Brett Gallagher, a concrete mixer driver for CalPortland, told KCPQ. 

For more, check out KCPQ.

Strikes & News Happening Elsewhere 

Alright folks, that’s all for today. Donate to help us cover rent, salaries, health insurance, and so much more. 

The best way to support us is to sign up as one of our 675 recurring donors today. 

Feel free to send story ideas, comments, and tips to 

Thanks again for the support. 

Love & Solidarity, 


Author image
Mike Elk is an Emmy-nominated labor reporter. He founded Payday Report using his NLRB settlement from being illegally fired in the union drive at Politico in 2015. Email him at
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