
Boeing Union Leaders Expect Contract Vote Down - 50,000 Wash State Workers Walkout at Lunchtime - Pittsburgh Battery Workers Vote Unionize


Greetings from the Burgh; where we have more stories to publish this week but need your help paying for them. 

Help Pay to Write & Edit Two ALREADY Reported Stories This Week

In addition to doing at least two more newsletters this week, I've written and reported on another two stories, but I need your help to pay to have them edited. 

Donate to help us continue our election coverage. Please sign up as one of our 773 recurring donors.  

50,000 Washington State Workers Walkout en Masse at LunchTime

Today, over 50,000 Washington State workers walked out at noon in what is described as a "Walkout for Washington." The walkout only lasted an hour but was a sign of growing frustration with the state. 

"We have received a proposal from management to remove some of the assignment pays for some of our harder to fill job classes that we just won in our last contract, which would equate to a 5 percent pay cut for a good portion of our membership with them offering only 1 percent over two years," Ashley Fueston, the WFSE vice president and an employee at the Employment Security Department told KOMO. "So these pay cuts they are offering are just kind of a slap in the face."

For more, check out KOMO. 

Machinists Expect Boeing Workers to Vote Down Contract Offer

More strike action in Washington State could be possible. IAM Local 571, which represents 30,000 workers in the region, expects the contract to be voted down. 

"The response from people is it's not good enough," Machinist Union District 751 president Jon Holden told the Seattle Times. "Right now, I think it will be voted down, and our members will vote to strike."

For more, check out the Seattle Times. 

PA Battery Workers Win Unionize 

Finally, Eos battery workers here in Pittsburgh voted to unionize by a margin of 88 to 39. Three workers were fired, and organizers said that the firing was in violation of federal labor law. 

Now, workers are excited to overcome union busting to win. 

"We're going to look out for the workers who are going to come after us," Veronica Lattimore, a worker organizer at Eos told Capital and Main. "We're about to make better working conditions for everyone."

For more, check out Capital & Main 

Links & News Elsewhere 

All right, folks, that's all for today. Keep sending story ideas, comments, and complaints to 

Donate to help us cover the fight here in Western PA. Please, if you can, sign up as one of our 772 recurring donors today. Thanks again for all the support. 

Love & Solidarity, 


Author image
Mike Elk is an Emmy-nominated labor reporter. He founded Payday Report using his NLRB settlement from being illegally fired in the union drive at Politico in 2015. Email him at
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