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Mike Elk

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Mike Elk is an Emmy-nominated labor reporter. He founded Payday Report using his NLRB settlement from being illegally fired in the union drive at Politico in 2015. Email him at

Louisville Joins "Days without Immigrants" Strike

The following crosspost is by Xavier Reyes of Al Día en América. Para ler en espanhol, clique aqui LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY - The national protest against President Donald Trump’s immigration crackdown echoed throughout Louisville on Monday, when several Latino businesses closed their doors and announced their decision to close via

"Day without Immigrants" Protests Ignored by Media - Postal Service Workers Vote Down Contract - Costco Reaches Union Deal

Folks,  Greetings from Pittsburgh, where more than 60 businesses were closed as part of “Day Without Immigrants” protests.  “Day Without Immigrants” Nationwide Protest Ignored by Press Earlier today, the popular Mexican bakery Panderia Jazmin, located in the affluent Pittsburgh suburb of Mt. Lebanon, posted on Instagram that they were closed

Trump Cancels Collective Bargaining Agreement for Feds - Costco Offers $30-an-Hour to Stop Strike - Philly Immigrants Call for Super Bowl Strike

Folks,  Greetings from the Burgh, where Payday is only $312 short of our $8,000 monthly goal with 31 hours to go.  Donate to help us cover the fightback against fascists.  Trump Cancels Collective Bargaining Agreements at Fed As Payday Report went to press this afternoon, the Trump Administration announced
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