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PayDay Staff

116 posts

Tennessee Fastest Growing Union State Since Pandemic as VW Faces 3rd Union Vote – Teamsters Double Strike Benefits – 300,000 Finns Strike

Folks, Greetings from Rio de Janeiro, where we are finishing editing some videos about the violence workers face at Carnaval. Donate to help us pay for the video editing. Tennessee is Fastest Growing State for Unions Yesterday, the UAW announced that a majority of Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga had signed

Brazilian Intel Agency Spied on Prosecutor in Marielle Franco Case – Teamsters Prez Settles $2.9 Million Racial Discrimination Case – 5,000 Minneapolis Teachers Walk Out

Folks, Greetings from Joáo Pessoa, Brazil, where I am returning from a few days off to visit with some old friends here in sunny Joáo Pessoa. Brazilian Spy Agency Targeted Prosecutor in Marielle Franco Case This past week, federal authorities raided the home of Rio City Councilman Carlos Bolsonaro, son

Unions Representing the Majority of the U.S. Labor Movement Have Called for Ceasefire – NewsGuild Stays Deadly Silent – UPS Layoffs 12,000

Folks, Greetings from Joao Pessoa, the most eastern point in the Americas, where we have finally figured out how to put subtitles on videos (yay!). Unions Representing the Majority of the U.S. Labor Movement Have Called for Ceasefire Earlier today, the 1.7 million-member American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
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